Vb.Net Serialize Object To Xml String

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JSON Serialization Using Newtonsoft JSON Serialize. In todays communication system JSON plays one very important role and we can say that day by day JSON is replacing XML, though XML has its own beauty and I hope JSON will never be an alternate of XML. In some situations however people are familiar with XML and they are using JSON now. Think about an AJAX call from a client application, in the old days not very old, even AJAX is a new concept people used to use XML to talk with service based applications like Web Services or WCF Services. But by the introduction of the Web API people began using JSON as a data encoding format. Thats cool, JSON is lightweight and there is no un necessary data using overhead bandwidth like as for XML. The Web API has a built in capability to serialize the return value as JSON format but some situation exists in another service or Page Method in the code behind of the Web. Form that the developer needs to serialize data in JSON format. We have now reached our core topic, how to serialize data in JSON format. There are many ways to do it. The. NET class library has its own class to serialize JSON data and another good option is to use a JSON serialize library of third party components. In this article we will use the Newtonsoft JSON serialization library to serialize JSON data. At first download and install the Newtonsoft JSON serializer package using the Nu. Vb.Net Serialize Object To Xml String' title='Vb.Net Serialize Object To Xml String' />Get package manager and you will see this reference in your current solution Serialize Class object using Newtonsoft JSON serializer. In this example we will learn to serialize a class object into JSON format using the Json. Convert class. Here is the implementation of the client application. Page. LanguageCAuto. Event. WireuptrueCode. Behindcall. AJAX. Inheritsclient. Project. AJAX lt DOCTYPEhtml lt htmlxmlnshttp www. Head. 1runatserver    lt scriptsrcJQuery. Query. ajax            url call. AJAX. aspxGet. Data,            type POST,            data. Type json,            data name name ,            content. Type applicationjson charsetutf 8,            success function data                 alertJSON. Click. Me lt body lt html We will now implement a Get. Data function in code behind of the Web. Form. Please note that we have included the Newtonsoft. Json namespace in our application and we are allowed to use the Jsonconverter class now. Here is the code implementation. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Web using System. Web. UI using System. Web. UI. Web. Controls using System. Web. Services using Newtonsoft. Json namespace client. Project    publicclassperson            publicstring name get set         publicpartialclasscall. AJAX System. Web. UI. Page            protectedvoid PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args e                        Web. Method        publicstaticstring Get. Datastring name                    person p newperson            p. Json. Convert. Serialize. Objectp            The following is the output of the example above, we see that the data has come in JSON format. Serialize List using Newtonsoft JSON serializer. A point to be noted here is that, using the Newtonsoft JSON serializer package, we can serialize almost every data type both user defined and predefined and in this example we will serialize a list of person classes. Have a look at the following example. Page. LanguageCAuto. Event. WireuptrueCode. Behindcall. AJAX. Fuken XMLVB. netXML XMLVB. XML. Parsing XML If you are a beginner to XML using Java then this is the perfect sample to parse a XML file create Java Objects and manipulate them. In this article we will use the Newtonsoft JSON serialization library to serialize JSON data. Inheritsclient. Project. AJAX lt DOCTYPEhtml lt htmlxmlnshttp www. Head. 1runatserver    lt scriptsrcJQuery. Query. ajax        url call. AJAX. aspxGet. Data,        type POST,        data. Type json,        content. Type applicationjson charsetutf 8,        success function data             alertJSON. Here is the code behind implementation to serialize a list of person classes. System using System. Collections. Generic using System. Linq using System. Web using System. Web. UI using System. Web. UI. Web. Controls using System. Web. Services using Newtonsoft. Yahoo Messenger 8.1 S more. Json namespace client. Project    publicclassperson            publicstring name get set         publicpartialclasscall. AJAX System. Web. UI. Page            protectedvoid PageLoadobject sender, Event. Args e                               Web. Method        publicstaticstring Get. Data                    Listlt person p new. Listlt person             person p. Sourav            person p. Ajay            p. Army Of Two The 40Th Day Pc Game Torrent. Addp. 1            p. Addp. 2            return. Json. Convert. Serialize. Objectp            Here is the output of this example and we are getting data in JSON format rather than a List format. Conclusion. In this article we have learned to serialize any data to JSON format using the Newtonsoft JSON serializer. I hope you have understood the concept and will use this library in a JSON serilization scenario in your next application.

This entry was posted on 11/24/2017.